Stranded Deep - All status Effects and how to remove them
When browsing the screens on the player's survival watch, you will find quite important information about the current status of the player. Status can be positive or negative, and their occurrence depends on many factors. There may be multiple statuses at one time. The negative ones often require special handling because they endanger your character's life, so it's worth knowing all the treatment options for your character.
To check active statuses, display the watch and go to the last screen:

Bleeding status
Type of status: Negative.
Bleeding can only appear after a shark bite. In this case, use bandages as soon as possible as your health starts to drop to zero, which can end the game. There is no way to wait for the bleeding and you must apply a bandage or mixture called Medical Gauze. Bandages can be found in the rescue pontoon (you get it at the start of the game), in crashed ships, or you can make them with Cloth and Lashing. Medical Gauze is harder to craft as it requires Kura and Quawawa fruit which are great for irrigation, so it's definitely better to use bandages. The operation of gauze and bandages is the same and can only be used once.
Broken bones status
Type of status: Negative.
Quite an annoying status as it prevents you from running and lowers your health, food and thirst stats over time. It is quite easy to break your leg by falling from a tree while collecting coconuts, so it is good to climb carefully only to a place that will allow you to reach the coconut and descend safely to the ground (without jumping). Fortunately, it's quite easy to remove this negative status with an item called Splint. Two Sticks and two Lashings is all you need.
Dehydration status
Type of status: Negative.
Dehydration is an effect that occurs when your thirst index has dropped to zero. You should drink water as soon as possible to stop its effects, otherwise your health will stop renewing and your character will be weakened.
All methods of obtaining water are described in a separate guide:
Diarrhoea status
Type of status: Negative.
Diarrhea is a short-acting but extremely unfriendly effect. The player immediately loses the hydration stats, which will drop to zero. Water is one of the most important resources in the game and not that easy to get, so it's a good idea to prevent this from happening. It is created by eating too much coconut, potatoes, eggs, but also after drinking too much coconut milk. A safe number is 2 pieces. Therefore, whenever you want to eat a larger number, you have to wait 10 minutes of game time (10 seconds). It's a good idea to save your game before you drink 10 coconuts. You should be careful at the very beginning of the game, because coconut milk is the only way to hydrate, until you raise your Craftsmanship level to build a water collector.
Drowning status
Type of status: Negative.
The status is quite logical and if you are careful while diving, it is not a big threat. A residual air indicator appears underwater and if you don't ascend in time, a sinking effect will be applied, which rather acts as a warning that you will drown in 15 seconds. The effect stops immediately after surfacing.
Poisoning status
Type of status: Negative.
Probably the worst negative status because it is difficult to heal. There are only two options: the antidote that requires two Pipi plants (on the Xbox, the PC version only requires one) and waiting for three days, which is not so simple and requires special attention. Only a snake can poison on land, but in water a lionfish, a sea snake, a sea urchin and a starfish can be found.
Curing is problematic, and the details can be found in the dedicated guide:
Starvation status
Type of status: Negative.
Hunger is analogous to dehydration. Try to eat something as soon as possible to get rid of it, because until you do, your health will not renew.
Getting food is not difficult, all you need is a fire and a moment in the water. Catching fish with a spear in your hand is quite simple and will allow you to build up a large supply in a short time.
Sunstroke status
Type of status: Negative.
This effect is the easiest to treat and prevent, but you need to check it frequently during the sunniest period because it is easy to overlook and causes rapid dehydration. If the SFP bar on the watch drops to zero, this status is applied immediately.
Better to prevent and take shelter in the shadows before that happens, but carefully check that the gauge is actually recharging.
You can find shadow among trees, in a shipwreck, in a roofed building, but also under water. So if there is nothing in the area that casts a shadow, you can go for short fishing trips.
Tired status
Type of status: Negative.
The effect will be applied if you do not go to bed within 48 hours. It is not a death threat or a major inconvenience, but it will certainly be a nuisance. With this effect, health is no longer regenerated and the character cannot run. Sleeping immediately removes the fatigue status.
Positive statuses
In addition to the negative statuses, they are also highly desirable, the knowledge of which can make the game easier. It is worth knowing them, because getting them is not that difficult, and may come in handy in many situations.
Status: Healthy
Type of status: Positive.
The most desirable status, meaning that the player is fully healthy and the health bar is being regenerated. To achieve it, you cannot have any negative statuses imposed, and the health and food indicators must have a minimum of 5 bars. Health with this status regenerates at a rate of 1% per second, so after 7 hours in the game you can reach the full health bar from scratch.

Status: Breath Boost
Type of status: Positive.
This status gives your character an extended breath holding time underwater. Status can only be obtained by drinking a special brew that is made from Ajuga Plant and Coconut Flask. The status persists after consuming about 5 minutes of real time (3 hours game time).
Status: Sunblock
Type of status: Positive.
Sunblock status protects you from the sun. Status can only be obtained by using a drink called "Aloe Salve", which is made from coconut and aloe vera. The protection lasts for 12 hours of game time and guarantees that the player does not have a Sunstroke.
Status: Shark Repellent
Type of status: Positive.
Another positive status that you get after consuming the potion of the same name. Shark Repellent allows you to swim freely, without the threat of these predators. The potion lasts for 12 hours and requires Lionfish (be careful when catching, it is poisonous), Antidote and Coconut Flask (coconut bottle).
Status: Splint
Type of status: Positive.
Status that you can obtain by healing Broken Bones.
A Splint is an item that you make from sticks and can be used to eliminate the fracture status, which is replaced with the Splint status. Like the potions mentioned above, the Splint is disposable.
How to prevent negative statuses?
Any negative status is treatable, but as in real life, prevention is much better than cure. It is good to have bandages in stock, the Pipi plant (for the antidote) and to know how to get water and food. The most important, however, is the principle of frequent but responsible saving of the game. Do not write it down when you have poisoned status, do it before each dangerous trip, before sailing and after arriving. It is much easier to reload the game than to heal, e.g. poisoning, especially if there is no antidote or its ingredients nearby. After many days of playing, I mistakenly saved the game with a negative effect after meeting the sea serpent. During the save, I only had 3 health squares and there was no chance for me to find a cure, so I had to start the game from scratch.
Summary - To The Point
- You can only treat the bleeding with bandages or a medicine called Medical Gauze. Bandages are the easiest to obtain because you can find them and craft them from Clothes and Lashes.
- You can heal a broken leg by making a brace of sticks and Lashing.
- Poisoning is the worst status, and you can learn the details from the dedicated guide:
- To avoid diarrhea, drink up to two coconuts at a time and wait 10 seconds.
- Check your SFP status on your watch to avoid a stroke. You can hide in the shade, but also under water.
- The fatigue status will disappear when you go to sleep. You can go to bed after 6 p.m.
- Positive statuses add bonuses, but do not significantly affect the gameplay.