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Assassin's Creed Valhalla - What to build in Ravensthorpe?

Posted by Matius02 on 14 November, 2022

The Ravensthorpe is a place in the game world where you can use the loot you collect from war expeditions to expand the buildings in your settlement. In this guide you will learn which buildings are worth upgrading and what they are used for. As you expand your settlement, the place gains reputation and new characters appear in it, which offer: side quests, upgrading Eivor's equipment, trading or changing your character's appearance. The Ravensthorpe is also the new home of Eivor. The character is closely associated with it as a player you can plan raids on resource-rich monasteries or form alliances there.


One of the most essential buildings in Ravensthorpe is the Blacksmith. The smithy not only allows you to increase the class of items Eivor has, but also to change the appearance of items and acquire additional rune slots.

Hidden Ones Bureau

Immediately after the forge a very good choice will be the construction of the Hidden Ones Bureau. Thanks to it you are able to unlock the well-known leap of faith for all fans of the series. Just as importantly, you will get access to tasks in which you can eliminate members of the Order of the Ancients, i.e. the Templars, until you finally reach the Grand Master himself.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Siedziba ukrytych

Tattoo and Barber Shop

If you like to change the appearance of your character then this is the perfect place to do it. The tattoo workshop offers not only tattooing of Eivor, but also hair and beard styling changes. Tattoo designs are scattered all over the game world, if you find any then go to the tattooist so he can put them on the character's body. You will need 600 Supplies and 45 Raw Materials to build it.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Warsztat tatuatora


With the construction of barracks, you will be able to manage your crew and create your own follower who will stand by your side during battle, to make him more effective in battle you can equip him with his own weapons that you have in your inventory.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Koszary

Octavian's Museum

Building a museum allows you to meet a Roman named Octavian, he collects collections of ancient treasures. You will have the opportunity to bring him artifacts found during your travels. Octavian will reward you for the items you receive.

Reda's Hut

When the settlement has received the second level of prominence a merchant named Reda will appear in it, you might have already met him in Assassin's Creed Origins. At the young merchant you can buy exquisite items, only problem may be the payment, because Reda accepts only obsidian stones, which are rare in the game world. Reda's merchants will also have temporary quests for you, which are usually located in larger cities and you will get useful rewards for completing them.

Hunter's Hut

If you enjoy hunting then trophies from slain legendary animals can be brought to a mortician named Wallace and a hunter named Petra. You earn a reward for each trophy you return. You can also store trophies from other animals in the hunting hut, and you can use them to make various items such as potions or creations. Petra will offer you a side quest in which you can help her get rid of the wolves threatening the settlement, and other worthwhile tasks.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Chata Łowiecka

Stable and Aviary

Building a stable will allow you to buy new horses, but more importantly you can give your mount new skills. In this way you will increase the speed of your horse and teach it to swim, thus making the gameplay faster and more enjoyable.

In each stable there is also a birdhouse, in it you can change the appearance of your raven but you will not give it new skills as you did with the mount.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Stajnia i ptaszarnia


By building a shipyard you will be able to change the appearance of your boat, in the game world you can find a lot of treasures scattered around the map, from finding them you gain access to a new hull or new sails.

Seer's Hut

The Seer's Hut will be possible to build when the settlement gains the third level of fame, then Valka will appear in the Ravensthorpe. This character offers a sizable side quest. By expanding her hut you will be able to get to the mythical land called Asgard, you will find many story missions as well as side quests. A good time to use her services will be when Eivor is about level 90.


An essential building for expansion in the settlement. At the cartographer you can purchase maps of treasures, weapons, armor, abilities or bars of raw materials needed to upgrade the items in your inventory.

Fishing Hut

Dzięki budowie tego budynku dostajesz linkę wędkarską i odblokowujesz nową umiejętność jaką jest łowienie ryb. Gdy opanujesz sztukę łowienia, w chacie rybaka możesz wymienić ryby na różne przydatne runy czy projekty elementów wyglądu dostępne później do wykorzystania u tatuatora.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Chata rybaka


In addition to the fact that the bakery increases the profit to health from the feast, you will receive a side quest titled "The Baker's Trouble" after building it.

Decorative elements of the settlement

Throughout the settlement you may come across places where you can place decorative elements such as wells or archery shields.

Trading Post

Dzięki budowie placówki handlowej zyskasz łatwy dostęp do potrzebnych ci materiałów. Nie musisz już tracić czasu na podróż do innej lokacji by kupić przedmioty jakie się tam znajdują.


The Longhouse is located in the main and largest building in the settlement. You get it at the very beginning of creating the settlement so you don't have to waste the necessary materials for construction. It is an important building in the settlement because it is where you have the ability to plan raids on rich abbeys or make alliances. Eivor can also rest in it, as there is his room along with a bed, on which he regenerates his health bar while sleeping. Making feasts is also an optional choice, which affects improved stats.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Sala biesiadna

Buildings that give extra bonuses when feasting in the settlement

All of the following buildings provide additional bonuses when feasting in the feast hall.

  • Brewery - by building this building you will receive bonuses to health
    Cattle breeding - by building this building you will receive bonuses to damage inflicted
  • Cattle farm - by building this building you will receive bonuses to damage inflicted
  • Bakery - by building this building you will receive health bonuses
  • Farm - by building this building you will receive bonuses to armor elements in your inventory
  • Chata Alvisa i Holgera - Alvis and Holger's hut - by building this building you will receive bonuses to damage inflicted with a hidden blade
  • Fowl farm - by building this building you will receive bonuses to damage inflicted with a fist fight