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Forza Horizon 5 - Update 03.12.2021

Forza Horizon 5 - Update: 3 december, 2021

Posted by Daimos on 3 December, 2021

The first major update of Forza Horizon 5 brings many fixes related to various game modes, fixes for PC, Horizon Arcade and more. Here you can check a short update note.

The update announced yesterday is available for download on both Xbox and PC. The developers are aware of many bugs and make every effort to fix them. Unfortunately, in many cases we do not have a clear declaration that the bug has been fixed, but that it should be, and the developers continue to monitor problems.

Conwoy problems

Number one error according to developers  is that while in the convoy, some players disappear. Several fixes have been made to address this issue, but bug is still being verified. Additionally, a few small fixes regarding the incorrect display of the player's name on the map, acceptance of the convoy by the leader when invited by Forza Link.

Horizon Arcade (Forzathon)

If you've already tried to earn Forzathon points by using events on the map, you've probably noticed one of the biggest problems - the fewer players, the less your chance to win. A lot of us  wondered why the number of required points is not scaled to the current number of players. Completing the event in 1-4 people was almost impossible. Now this is about to change and from the official information we learn that the requirements are scaled depending on the number of players in the game.

If yuu played Horizon Arcade in a convoy, you've probably encountered a problem where points were counted separately for each player. It was as if each player was playing a separate game. Due to this defect, doing events together didn't make any sense, but that should also be fixed.

Other fixes in the update

  • Some exploits related to EventLab have been removed,
  • a few cars were improved, e.g. Porsche 918 Spyder got an engine sounds update,
  • fixes preventing expeditions from completing,
  • many fixes related to achievements (accolades),
  • series of fixes in the usability of EventLab,
  • issue with receiving Super7 cards has been resolved,
  • many fixes in terms of PC and performance.

All information about the update details can be found in the official developer news::

Finally, I left good news about a bug fix which annoyed me quite a bit when doing the weekly challenges. A bug was finally fixed for event jumps, where we still saw a message like "you need 1m more". Previously, the workaround was to try after a while, now it should be fixed.


Many players complain about problems with the eliminator. Invisible players effectively deter players from the game and yesterday the game's developers announced a fix related to this problem. Unfortunately, there is no mention of this mode in the update news, apart from the introduction of a random drop position (they actually used to be permanent before, I even had favorite spawn spots where you could always get something.). There was some fixes related with disappearing players in the convoy, so maybe something has improved in the eliminator? It's worth checking out :)

Update Summary

The developers are actively working on the game, but there are some problems and we are waiting impatiently for their solution.